The Ruminations Begin

Dateline: 18 June 2005

I am an Agrarian. Specifically, I am a Christian Agrarian. I believe that God intended for His people to live their lives and raise their families for His glory within the agrarian paradigm.

That is why I eschew the city and live out in the countryside. That is why my wife, The Lovely Marlene, and I homeschool our three boys (ages 11 to 17) . That is why we teach our children to acknowledge the Sovereign Lord of All Creation as the Sovereign Lord of All Creation. That is why we look to His grace every day and give thanks for the good times as well as the hard times (a.k.a., the teaching times). That is why we have a garden. That is why we keep hens for eggs (and entertainment!). That is why we make our own maple syrup. It is why we grind wheat “berries” into flour, from which Marlene makes the best homemade breads that you’ll ever taste. That is why we do these things and so many other such things.

This kind of lifestyle, this kind of work, can give a life richness. If pursued with humility and wisdom, in a spirit of love, this is the kind of life that will make a family strong and be a remarkable witness to the goodness of a merciful God.

To live this kind of life is to be a blessing to the community around you in the here-and-now, and to the generations that will follow you. This is the kind of life that, amidst the pervasive, shallow, false promises of the dying Industrial Culture we live in, is a beacon of light. It is a way of life that, very simply, offers hope, peace, and contentment like nothing else.

So, look at that!..... Here I am, a simple rural blogger, beginning the “Ruminations” by speaking like a philosopher. But, you know, I think that is entirely appropriate for a Deliberate Agrarian.

Fortunately for one like myself (who really is not a particularly deep thinker), the precious riches of this “philosophy” can be clearly seen and easily grasped... and they sparkle brightly.

I invite you, dear reader, to come here often in the days ahead. Lord willing, we will find treasures together. I will share with you the life, work, hope, struggles, lessons, thoughts, prayers, and blessings that come into the life and times of this Deliberate Agrarian.

It is my great desire that you will be inspired and blessed along the way.


  1. AnonymousJune 19, 2005


    Welcome to Blogdom! The industrial culture of death and darkness has recieved yet another well deserved kick in the pants. I look foward to reading your posts, my good friend.

  2. Hi Bruce,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I think 50 million more is doable. it just might take some time. Or it might take some sort of disaster that "encourages" a whole lot of folks to be agrarian real fast. Time will tell.

    I'm delighted to know that you are getting started with poultry. 25 hens are a fair amount of work but they are a delight to watch and, before long, you'll be collecting all those wonderful "hen gems."

    Our family started with egg layers before tackling broilers too. I'm sure you have it in you to raise & process broilers!


    Hey Scott,

    I like what you said and I sure do appreciate your encouragement!

  3. AnonymousJune 20, 2005


    I look forward to reading your bits of wisdom and getting a peek in your life. Our family is working towards a country life similar to yours. Our small acreage is home to 2 mini goats, 80 layers, a varying number of broilers, 6 beautiful children, my husband, and I. God is good!

    April in MN

  4. Welcome to the blogging world, I am very excited to read your posts.

  5. Hi Aril,

    There is a good chance it might be the other way around. It very well could be that my family is working towards a country life similar to Yours!

    In time, you will see that, though I am a Deliberate Agrarian, I am, unfortunately, not a pure Agrarian. I am, like you, and "farmer buie" (Hi Farmer Buie!), and so many others, yearning to (and making plans to) live a more Agrarian life.

  6. Hi Bob & Travis,

    It's great to see that you found your way here, and to know more about what you are doing.

    Best wishes

    P.S. Yes, Bob, it's OK with me.

  7. And 11 years later going stonger than ever! Great job Herrick! What a blessing you've been to so many.
    Kind Regards,
