New Idea For The Agrarian Blogging Community

Dateline: 17 June 2006

In response to a recent blog post here, Marci Bulbaugh (a.k.a., Farm Girl) posted that she had read my book, Writings of a Deliberate Agrarian, and liked it so much that she recommended it to many friends & customers. She also recommended a documantary movie called The Future of Food.

Based on Marci’s recommendation, I went to the Future of Food web site and bought a DVD copy. Last night I stayed up way too late watching a portion of the movie. Farm Girl is right. It is a movie worth seeing. I hope to gather my whole family to watch the whole movie together soon. That’s hard to do at this time of year because it stays light until past 9:00 and we have lots to do outside. But maybe it’ll rain or we’ll all get exhausted from working and need a break.

In any event, when we have watched the movie, I’d like to try something kind of unique. I’d like to compile a list of agrarian-minded bloggers who would like to see this movie and send it your way. This is how it will work...

If you would like to view the DVD, e-mail your name and postal address to me. I will take the names and addresses and compile a list. Then I will send the movie to the first person on the list. That person can watch the movie and then send it to the 2nd person on the list, and so on.

What I would like is for every person who is on the list to mention the movie on their blog when they receive it in the mail and then after viewing it. You can write a full review if you are inspired to do so, or just say a few words and provide a link to the movie’s web page. This will help spread the word about this excellent movie and the important subject it addresses (which I'll have more to say about after I watch it all).

For this idea to work, I ask that you watch the movie and send it to the next person on the list within a week. If that is not possible, then please watch it and get it in the mail within two weeks. Don't keep it more than two weeks.

If this movie sharing concept actually does work out, I’ll buy the video about Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm and do the same thing. I’ve seen that video and it is very inspiring.

So if you like this idea and would like to get on the list to view it, send me your name and address (and your blog name and address) and I will get the list together. I want to get it together by next weekend, so please e-mail me before then. Here’s my e-mail address:

And if you’d like to view the Blubaugh Family’s web site, here is the link to Amazing Graze Farms.


  1. I like your idea about passing the DVD around. I have a copy of the Joel Salatin Video (Pastured Poultry Profits). I can mail it to you if want to pass it around like your "Future of Food" DVD. This one is VHS.

  2. Herrick, what an inspired idea! Yes, indeed, please put me on that list. I'll email you my contact info again in case you don't have it any longer. This will be an excellent means of drawing our little online community even closer and hopefully expanding it even further. God's blessings to you and your family!

  3. Thanks so much for getting this together. I just emailed you with our mailing address.

  4. Jim.....
    That would be great. Let's see how the dvd works out first. I've seen Pasture Poultry profits and it's a good movie. It's interesting to see the Salatin family when the children were younger. The newer video of the who Salatin operation is longer and better made and even better than the first. But they are, in my opinion, both worth watching.

    For now, I am just sharing the dvd with other bloggers. I want to spread the good word about this excellent movie and I feel I can do that better through the comments of bloggers who view it.
