A Journey Home Film-Share List

A couple blogs back, I wrote about the Christian-agrarian documentary, A Journey Home. At that time, I offered to share my copy of the DVD with any bloggers out there who would like to see it and mention it on their blog. I call
it a film-share. I’ve done this before with another documentary movie, The Future of Food.

Tomorrow, I will send the DVD out to the first blogger on the film-share list below. My thanks to these bloggers for participating in this little effort to spread the good news about A Journey Home

ND Homekeeper

Get The Seeds out of The Barn...

Tabletop Homestead

An Agrarian Journey

To The Hilt

View From an Iowa Homestead

Colossians 3:23

On My Mind

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for including me on the list, I look forward to seeing the DVD. Thanks also for the list, I've added some new blogs to my reading roll.
