How To Butcher A Chicken (My New Blog)

I was laid up with a bad knee for two days this last week (as explained in my previous entry) and that was a perfect opportunity to do something I've been wanting to do for a long time. I spent several hours in a recliner with my laptop creating a new blog.

The blog is not a blog in the commonly understood sense of the word. It is what I call a tutorial blog. I have created the blog specifically to teach.

My new blog is simply titled How To Butcher A Chicken.

If you have never butchered a chicken, my new blog will teach (and show) you how to get the job done in ten easy steps. If you happen to be an experienced chicken butcherer, I invite you to stop by and compare notes.

There are some minor changes that I plan to make, but How To Butcher A Chicken is 99% done. I welcome your advice or comments. And if you think the blog is worth recoommending, I hope you will recommend it to others at discussion groups and on your blog.

I admit that I have an ulterior motive in asking for your help to spread the word about my new blog. Ultimately, sometime down the road, I hope to sell books and even chicken plucker parts to those who stop by and read the blog. If I can sell more books and parts, my little home-based business will grow. If my business continues to grow, maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to shuck the industrial factory job in the city and come home. That, and to purchase a bit more acreage than the current 1.5 acres we now own, is the goal. Thanks for your help.

In the near future, I hope to create more blogs with a teaching focus. Stay tuned.


  1. Very nice tutorial--I have linked to it on my blog.

  2. Great site; very professional too.

  3. I just want to let you know how much I love your blog! Yours is the only one I a check regularly, and I'm always excited when you have a new post.

    Thank you so much for the new Chicken butchering blog. I recently got my 1st chickens ever, and even though they are only 2 wks, I am anxious to learn all I can, and you help with that.

    I have bought your "Writings..." book, as well as your "Garden Cart" book, and thoroughly love them! I am looking forward to including all of your books in my library as I have the means.

    I just wanted to say thank you for what you do. I too pray you can one day (hopefully sooner that later) make a living from your agrarian pursuits, and quit your day job. I know you have blessed me, as well as informed me, and I am ever so grateful.

    May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you!

    Jessica L.
    Terrell, TX

  4. Herrick;

    Since the subject “how to butcher a chicken” is relatively finite, I wonder if simply calling the blog “Herrick Kimball’s How To…” or something along that line would be more appropriate since you are the “how to” guy. I have to figure you’ll move on to another subject soon describing some useful farming or homesteading technique.

    Just wondering.

  5. jo--
    Thank you.

    Thank you

    And thank you for the positive feedback. Your kind words about my writings are a blessing and encouragement to me!

    That's an idea. For the most part, I have intentionally avoided using my name to promoting myself directly. Something about it doesn't set well with me. But I may change that "policy." Thanks for the suggestion.

  6. Thank you for all your info. I was looking at your new blog but I cannot view pictures, it says that the photobucket account is inactive. I don't know if the problem is on my end or yours. I am a visual learner so the pics would be very beneficial.
    Thanks again!!

  7. Helen,

    The problem is on my end and I'm trying to get it straightened out with Photobucket
