Father's Day
Breakfast Salad

Dateline: 16 June 2013

It is an overcast morning with more rain in the forecast (80% chance). So I spent some time transplanting Spretnak romaine lettuce from a nursery tire bed to a raised bed in my main garden. 

In addition to getting that task done, I took pictures to illustrate the process. The photo-essay will be posted to the hidden online Resources web site for readers of The Planet Whizbang Idea Book For Gardeners

The photo essay will show the nursery bed, the transplanting process, and the unique way I washed the baby salad greens pictured above.

The salad, with fresh strawberries, chopped almonds, and homemade balsamic salad dressing, was a breakfast delight.

The Planet Whizbang Idea Book For Gardeners is on sale until tomorrow morning.

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