On My Newest Book

Dateline: 7 June 2013

I'm pleased to report that The Planet Whizbang Idea Book For Gardeners will be in stock and ready to ship next weekend. I have been a little overwhelmed by the number of copies that have been pre-ordered (far more than any other book I've written). My plan is to spend a good part of next weekend signing books and getting them packaged so that all pre-publication sales are mailed out on Monday the 17th of June. 

If you have not yet pre-purchased a copy of the book, you can still do so (and save some money) until Monday the 17th. Details and online ordering buttons are at www.WhizbangGardening.com

Purchasers of The Planet Whizbang Idea Book For Gardeners will be getting more than just a book of great ideas for gardeners. You will also be getting directions to the book's hidden online resources web site.

My idea for the resources web site is that it will provide lots of photos, additional information, updates, and internet links for each subject/chapter in the book. It is my way of packing more value into your book purchase.

The resources web site is a work in progress and will be for the next year or so. That means it won't be completely finished when the book is in print next weekend. But you will be able to go there and get a lot of information right away. You will also be able to sign up for a newsletter that will inform you when updated information is added to the web site.

My sincere thanks to everyone who has pre-ordered a copy of this new book! My hope is that it will truly inform, inspire and encourage you in your gardening pursuits.


  1. AnonymousJune 08, 2013

    lookin' very forward to my autographed copy.


  2. AnonymousJune 10, 2013

    Well I finally got our garden in. We're in West Central Wi. It's been wet pretty much since the snow melted - I did have a small window (1 day) to plant about 4 weeks ago but I squandered it. I figured I had to get something in no matter what regardless of the soil conditions so re-tilled and planted just a couple of days ago when the soil was still pretty wet (Forecast is wet thru this week as well). Complete and total clod nightmare... but it's in. Wonder what'll grow..? One of my eight year old boys said, "I wonder what the first settlers did when it was so wet like this?" I said, "They planted at the first opportunity - unlike your Pop.." oh well live and learn. Make hay when the sun shines.

  3. AnonymousJune 17, 2013

    Ha - Except for the carrots, most of the plants sprouted. Rained again after I planted - the poor seed bed and subsequent hardpan are probably too much for those little seeds.
