And The Winner Is....

Dateline: 27 July 2013

Well, that was a lot of fun!

I'm speaking, of course, about the Thy Hand Hath Provided Book Give-Away Contest that I launched here last Monday. Fact is, I don't think I've had so much fun on the internet since the Deliberate Agrarian Haiku Contest that I had sponsored three years ago.

It was a delight to read all the different food-related memories that you who entered the contest left in the comments section. 

To fairly choose a winner I first printed out all the comments, then cut each one out, crumpled it up, and put it in one of my homemade garden totes (plans for making the garden tote are available for $1.50 At This Link), as you can see in the next picture...

Then I reached in and.....

Crumpled and scrambled them some more. Then, without looking, I fished around, selecting a single entry paper, and....

And that's it! That's the winning entry! That's the entry that will win a free copy of Jane Bryan's excellent cookbook. Here's a close up view...

You're the winner, Donna Friend. Please contact me by e-mail with your snail-mail address:   (If I don't hear from you by Monday morning, I will draw another name)

Thank you everyone for making this contest so much fun. And thanks, Jane, for supplying the book. 

Remember, you can purchase a copy of the book for yourself, or as a gift for someone else, at This Web Page.

UPDATE: 31 July 2013
It is now Wednesday morning and I'm sorry to say that Donna has not contacted me with her address! So I have chosen another winner. It is MarieGray, who, years ago, with her sister in SC, made their own BigMac secret sauce. I see that Marie has a blog and I'll try to contact her through that. Congratulations Marie.