Peanut Butter

Dateline: 2 July 2013

Marlene has been using our Champion juicer to make peanut butter. We've owned the machine for 19 years and she has used it to juice a LOT of fruits and vegetables in that time. It has also been used to process tomatoes when canning tomato juice and soup. But making our own peanut butter is something we've never done before.

We bought a 30-pound box of "Roasted Blanched Splits- #1R" from Dutch Valley Foods, through a local co-op. The peanuts were "Packed by Hampton Farms in Edenton, North Carolina." It cost us $32 for 30 pounds of peanuts. They are not certified organic peanuts. A 30-pound box of organic peanuts would have cost $108.

The texture of the homemade peanut butter is creamy with a very fine "crunch." The flavor is excellent. No salt. Nothing but peanuts. Everyone in this family is in agreement that it is remarkably good peanut butter.


  1. Love it! Can't wait to try this at home. Thanks for the great idea :)

  2. AnonymousJuly 02, 2013

    We always enjoy fresh peanut butter whenever we can find it. Being able to make our own peanut butter would be even better. How are you storing your peanuts for future use? Or, maybe you use it in volumes greater than my wife and I. 30# of peanuts would last us almost a year.

  3. We are storing the peanuts in the container they came in (pictured) in our pantry, which is usually cooler than the rest of the house.

    The box says that the contents are good until November of this year. That isn't too far away. I think I will shrink-bag the pieces and put them in the freezer.

    We could also just make all the peanut butter we can and put that in the freezer. But the Champion juicer motor gets pretty hot churning out the peanut butter and Marlene felt like 6 pint jars was enough for one session. We keep the jars in the fridge.

    Peanut butter freezes well. many years ago (before we had children) we bought large tubs at a co-op, divided it into smaller containers and froze it.

    I can tell you that peanut butter consumption is now way up in our household. It's really good!

  4. I have tried Peanut Butter at home however, I did not like it. But your blog post is very nice.

    Thank you for the information.

  5. How much waste is there in the process. I have seen juicers use a lot of produce for a tiny glass of juice. Is the same true of peanut butter?

  6. Hi Jason,

    There is no waste at all. The juicing screen is not used. There is no separation going on—just grinding.
