Lovely Romaine Lettuce

Dateline: 4 July 2013

Romaine lettuce in my garden on Independence Day, 2013

As I've noted here in the past, folks who purchase a copy of The Planet Whizbang Idea Book For Gardeners, also learn how to access the "hidden" online Resources web site for the book. The web site is an added value. It has lots of photos and further details about the things discussed in the book. I will be adding more information (more value) to the Resources web site in the weeks and months to come. 

With that in mind, I have just sent out Update Newsletter #3, informing readers that I have posted a new photo-essay showing how I start romaine lettuce in nursery tire beds, then transplant and grow them into my main garden (as pictured above).

If you are already a reader of the book, you can go to the web site now and find the essay at "A Primer On Gardening In Tires."

And while you're there, if you haven't yet signed up for newsletter updates, now is a great time to do so.

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