Agrarian Foundation

Dateline: 2 September 20123

Something amazing has happened! Yesterday I blogged here about The Agrarian Foundation and the Christian-agrarian writings of David E. Rockett. I said I had permission to republish his essays but I would have to take the time to type them out. Then, Chad Butler, a longtime reader of this blog, sent me an e-mail with links to the Agrarian Foundation's web site at the "Internet Archive Wayback Machine." 

And there they were. All I had to do was copy and paste. I decided the writings needed their own home and I have spent the last couple of hours creating The Agrarian Foundation Article Archive.

Thanks Chad! 

Thanks David Rockett! 

Check it out everyone!

The Agrarian Foundation Article Archive



  1. Herrick, I want to email you but the link on your "contact me" button doesn't work. Is there a way to send you a message? Thanks, Beth

  2. Thanks Herrick!
    I remember encountering this website and those excellent essays years ago. This is timely as I am presently pondering the theological foundations of agrarianism.

    Seems to me that there is a real possibility that agrarianism may uniquely flow naturally from Christianity. while other approaches to political economy must be reconciled into Christianity.


    Richard Grossman

    I have really enjoyed your new book, but have not had a chance to review it yet on my blog. Sorry

  3. Hi Richard,

    Be sure to read The Biblical Basis of Christian Agrarianism by Howard King.

    Also, I see that two audio readings by Howard King are stil available at Scott Terry's blog. Click Here

  4. Wow - 1228 page views! This blog has a lot of quiet readers. (Which is fine.) Great resource - Thanks Herrick,
