Beyond Off-Grid Fundraiser
Comes To A Close

Dateline: 7 September 2013

Mr. Gower empties his cookie jar! 
(click the pile of money to see all the smiling folk)

I was hoping to sell maybe 40 books and raise $200 for the Beyond Off-Grid documentary project when I announced the fundraiser idea here ten days ago. But your response far exceeded my hopes. As of this morning, I have sold 81 books and y'all have contributed $405 to support the documentary!

Thanks to everyone who helped promote this fundraiser by telling others about it at your blogs and Facebook pages. And my sincere thanks to those of you who purchased a copy (or more than one) of my Writings of a Deliberate Agrarian book.

If you missed the special-price offer and would like to participate in this fundraiser, you still have time, but not much.... 

You can click on the "Add to Cart" button below and get the $12.95 book for only $8, postage paid (cheaper than at Amazon). Five dollars of your purchase will go to support the documentary.

Can we make it to $450?

Whatever the case, I'll be sending a check for the amount raised to Sean Tounn on Monday.

Remember that you can also support the documentary project directly at the Beyond Off-Grid Web Site.

Thanks again to everyone who chipped in and made this a successful fundraiser!

Sept 7, 9:00 pm
The Fundraiser Has Ended. 
Books Sold: 87
Amount of Money Raised: $435.00

The Book


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