Thirty-Three Years
...And Counting

Dateline: 29 November 2013

As of today, I have been married to the same woman (my first and only wife) for 33 years. In retrospect, we've been through a lot…. together.

If you want a metaphor for a good marriage, think of two well-matched draft horses, harnessed together, pulling together, working together, towards a common goal.

Our common goal has never been to have a good time (though we've had our share of good times), or on acquiring material possessions (though we've acquired some material possessions, especially in the past few years). Our common goal has been to build a simple, active, creative, home-based, Christian life, close to the land, and to raise our children within that paradigm

I have some regrets in life, but I don't have a single regret when it comes to the woman I married, or the common goal we have worked towards. Indeed, one of the greatest blessings of my life has been my wife, and our marriage.

So, I declare, on this day I am especially mindful of what a greatly blessed man I am.

Thank you, Lord.


If you would like to read about how Marlene and I met, and all such as that, I invite you to read my 2005 essay, The Wife of My Youth.


  1. Happy Anniversary to you and Marlene! May the Lord grant you many more years together.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Thank you for your example!

  3. Happy Anniversary! In another 6 months my husband and I will be married 33 years also.

  4. Congratulations, Marriage should get better every year. I know ours has!

  5. I was married for 46 years 3 months, and 2 days, as of July 6, 2013, the day the love of my life passed away.
    We were going to grow very old together. Our Lord had other plans.
    Don't waste a single day knowing how wonderful it is to have a partner and a friend to share life with.
    Thank you for sharing this, it is so wonderful to know that true love continues.

  6. Thank you everyone.

    I sometimes consider the possibility (probability) of my wife or I being left here on earth without the other, and it's a very sad thing to think about.

    I'm sorry for your loss.
