How To Make Money
Selling pdf Downloads
On E-Junkie

Dateline: 17 March 2014

I wrote here recently about how I am planning to publish my first eBook. But I should have clarified my essay by saying that I am planning to publish my first Kindle eBook at Amazon. The fact is, I have been selling electronic book and report downloads in the form of pdf files for over a year now. 

A few days ago I added my Whizbang Chicken Plucker plan book to the pdf downloads I am selling. Selling information downloads in the form of pdf files has been a moneymaker for me. It doesn't make me a whole lot of money (about $1,000 last year) but every bit helps. Besides that, I haven't really tapped into this idea like I could. And I plan to do more through this medium (which is why I've just added the plucker plan book).

My point here  is that this concept could be a nice little money-making idea for you too. With that in mind, this blog post will introduce you to a very simple and inexpensive way to start selling information downloads on the internet.

First, you should know that I am not tech savvy. I have a hard time understanding the ins and outs of online publishing. I am boggled and frustrated by learning how to format a simple book for Kindle. Nevertheless, I have been able to figure out how to get a pdf file, upload it to the internet, and make money selling it. If I can do it, you can do it too.

I can easily make money selling pdf files on the internet because of a web site called E-junkie. If you click the following box, it will take you to to the E-junkie home page…

E-junkie Shopping Cart and Digital Delivery

I learned about E-junkie and selling pdf downloads at E-junkie from a little book I bought a couple years ago in the magazine section of a grocery store. I've misplaced the book. I don't remember the title. But the gist of the books was simply this…. 

Put the information you want to sell into a pdf file format (more about this shortly), set up an account at E-junkie, upload your pdf file to their web site (along with a description and price), and start letting the whole world know about what you have to sell.

E-junkie takes care of the sales transactions for you. The full amount that your customer pays for your product goes directly into your PayPal account, and E-junkie gets the pdf file to the buyer for you. Once you have created your information pdf and set it up with E-junkie, you don't do anything else, except collect the money.

E-junkie has different plans. The simplest plan costs $5 a month. That's what I have. For $5 a month (which they automatically deduct from my PayPal account), I can list up to 10 products and use up to 50MB of space. The flat rate of $5 a month is all they charge. You may sell a million dollars worth of pdf downloads and they will only charge you $5 a month. 

I currently have four downloadable products that I am selling through E-junkie. Those four products take up 33.91MB of space. You can see the four products at My E-junkie Store

People get to my E-junkie products from my web sites. I mention and promote the products primarily from my Planet Whizbang web site. I provide a link to my products at E-junkie and people make their purchase there. E-junkie also provides code for buying buttons that can be put directly on a web site. And they have an arrangement that allows you to utilize their services for selling downloads on Ebay. I keep it simple and just provide a link to the product as it is listed at E-junkie.

When you go to my E-junkie store you will see that I sell a photo-tutorial titled How To Make Your Own Garlic Powder. The cost is only $1.50. It is a 14-page pdf download with 16 color pictures. 

The pictures and the information in that report were originally posted to this blog a few years ago (Here's The Blog Post Link). I found that I could use the word processing program on my Mac to compose the report and convert it into a pdf file. It was very simple to do. But figuring out how to do it took some research with Google searches. Once the file was made, uploading it to E-junkie took less than a minute. Amazing.

By the way, you can just do a Google search on how to make garlic powder and get some good information on the subject. When I wrote and published my book, The Complete Guide to Making Great Garlic Powder, all that information was not on the internet. 

Do you have a special how-to skill that you can communicate with words and pictures? Have you developed plans for making something? If you can put that knowledge into a pdf file, you can sell it. There are all kinds of possibilities. You can purchase my $1.50 photo-tutorial as an example of how simply information can be compiled.

Even if you can't figure out how to get your information into pdf file format, someone else can do it for you. My garlic powder book pdf was put together by my graphic designer. The Garlic Powder Profits Report I sell was scanned and put into pdf format by a customer who offered to do it. I think I paid him $50 for the service.  

Most recently, I sent a copy of my Whizbang Chicken Plucker Plan Book to Blue Leaf Book Scanning. I paid Blue Leaf $53 to scan the whole book. A week later they sent me an e-mail with download information and I got several different files to choose from. I used the reduced size pdf (12MB). That was easy!

It isn't likely that you will sell anywhere near as many pdf downloads through E-junkie as you would with a Kindle eBook. But you can sell information with pdf downloads that can't be sold through Kindle. And pdf downloads are very easy to upload and start selling through your blog or web site, once you surmount the learning curve.

Here's the E-junkie link again….

E-junkie Shopping Cart and Digital Delivery


  1. Great info, Herrick, thank you. I have often thought about e-books/pdf's but haven't had a clue how to even start.

  2. Thanks for sharing this how-to info. I've had various thoughts and ideas relating to doing some PDF's, but had no idea how to go about it, so I really appreciate this.


  3. Cindy and Sue,

    I see that there some videos about working with E-junkie on YouTube. You might want to check them out. But if you click around the E-junkie site awhile, you can figure it out.

    Best wishes with putting this technology to work for you.

  4. Learned something today :) I'm a freelancer and finding some ways to have some additional income. This is a very good idea. Thanks! God bless.
