Sincere Thanks

Dateline: 24 March 2014

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Well, my 3-day book bomb came to a close a few minutes ago and, as the screen shot above shows, the desired objective was achieved. For most of the 3 days, the book was in the top ten of it’s two different category listings. On Sunday morning it was in the #1 position in the “Christian Families” category. 

It was a thrill to game the Amazon rankings and see Writings of a Deliberate Agrarian crash the party at the top of the mainstream Christian book rankings, even if it was only for a few hours. 

I may now officially claim that I wrote an Amazon best-selling book. That’s one of the objectives with a successful book bomb. But, unless by some miracle the book stays up there, I won’t be publicly heralding such a claim. That’s not my style.

The fact of the matter is that the book did not shoot to the top because it’s wildly popular, but because I have a lot of thoughtful and kind friends out there. When I announced the book bomb in my previous blog post here, and I asked for your help, you responded. You bought a copy. You sent e-mails to your friends encouraging them to buy a copy. You announced it on social media. You wrote a review of the book at Amazon. You blogged about it. Those of you who took a few moments out of your day to tell others are the reason this book bomb was a success. And I am grateful.

I was hoping to sell 50 Kindle copies of the book in three days. I thought that would be amazing. But, as of the close of the book bomb (a few minutes ago) 253 books were sold. 

I don’t know who all of you are, but I know who some of you are, and I’d like to extend a special thanks to the following people

Scott Terry at Christian Farm and Homestead Radio mentioned the book on his program last Friday (it was an excellent program that night, by the way), and Scott blogged about it at North Country Farmer.

David the Good let his readers know about my book at Florida Survival Gardening.

Cindy Lewis blogged about it at Modern Christian Homestead

Richard Grossman, The Midland Agrarian, not only spoke well of my book on Scott Terry's radio show, he also posted a very nice blog about it.

Ron Woodburn, at Digging Into Freedom's True Meaning, also posted an insightful blog about the book, introducing his readers to Christian agrarianism (and making the point that there is a connection between Christian agrarianism and freedom).

Archer Garrett let his readers know at The Independent.

And my Aunt Carolyn, who lives in Maine (and who, I sometimes think, must know half the people in that stateincluding Barbara Bush), posted about my book on her Facebook page.

Five people (so far) took the time to write a wonderful review of the book at Amazon: Tim Inman, Ted Stevens, Nick, "Book in Hand," and Ron Woodburn. Thanks, guys!

If I have left someone out, please let me know.

In conclusion, because of the help of you, my friends, this book has been launched. It has momentum that it wouldn't otherwise have. 

I hope that everyone who bought a copy of the book will read it, and enjoy it, and be blessed by it. That is, after all, the whole reason I wrote it.

Thanks again to everyone to helped make this book bomb a resounding success.

Herrick Kimball


  1. I'm so glad your book has enjoyed the success it, and you, deserved. I also left a review at so as to hopefully encourage some more readers from the UK to buy and read it.

    Well done to you Herrick and to all who have contributed to promoting your new edition.

  2. Mr. Kimball I don't have a Kindle, but I went to Amazon and bought the paperback version of your book. I look forward to receiving it and I will read it and then pass it along to my son who has recently become interested in developing a food surplus for the family. He wants to can and is interested in that. I do not have the vigor or land for gardening but he's a young man in his early 50's and does have land so I think this book will appeal to him.
    I read your blog nearly every day or whenever you post, and I do enjoy it. Good luck on reaching your goals.

  3. Oh, congratulations!! That is awesome!!

  4. I was happy to hear about the success of your e-Book! Of course, I bought a copy, even though I have 2 copies of the actual book, which is a classic :-).

    I've been over in Facebook-land, where I posted about your e-Book sale on my homesteading Facebook page.

    The Lord is good!

  5. Yay! Thank you for thinking the matter through and putting pen to paper so the rest of us can have the benefit of your wisdom.

    Autumn H.

  6. I know you've been expressing gratitude to Anna over at the Walden Effect for all her help in converting the book-book to an e-book, but she also did one of her very nice lunchtime series over the last week or so, which I'm sure didn't hurt sales. :-)

    Actually, one of Anna's posts about the book is how I found your site! I'm trying to keep up and slowly working my way through the archives. Lots of good stuff in here!

    Also, glad to see the new version of the book is having some success. Hope it sees much more!



  7. Yep, I picked it up too.
    However, I have one problem.
    I like LUMPY oatmeal. LOL

    Still reading it, and so far, Fantastic!

    PS I did have to put it down though, because I promised I would finish making your Planet Whizbang Solar Pyramid's. They have to be ready for this crazy "Kinda Spring" weather we have been getting. 67 one day, snow the next.
    Sure am glad I got the Whizbang book when I did, I'm going to need those pyramids this year.

  8. Thanks everyone for your comments here.

    Fabric Fanatic—
    It is wonderful to hear that your son is pursuing a more agrarian lifestyle and wants to learn to can and preserve food. I'm very certain that the book will encourage him in that pursuit… especially chapter 9 (Industrial Providers) and chapter 19 (The Theology of Food Independence).

    You have long been a blessing and encouragement to me by purchasing the products I make and books I write, and letting others know about them on your blogs. Thank you!

    Hi Jake—
    I'm glad you found this site. Anna very graciously wrote several "lunchtime series" blog posts about my "Planet Whizbang Idea Book For Gardeners." I didn't see that she wrote about this Kindle eBook of "Writings of a Deliberate Agrarian." By the way, I have put a review quote from her at the top of the page at

    I'm all right with lumpy oatmeal. Fact is, Marlene often makes lumpy oatmeal and it still tastes great, especially with all sorts of toppings… things like apples, raisins, cinnamon, maple syrup, chopped dates, ground flax seed, hulled hemp seed, sunflower seeds, and, of course, walnuts, not to mention strawberries (and other fruit) in season. Sure beats Froot Loops, eh?

    You wil find the solar pyramids to be amazing but be sure to harden off anything you grow in them, as I explain in the book.
