The English Peasant Art
Of Sir George Clausen
(Part 2)

Dateline: 8 March 2014
((click pictures to see larger images)

Winter Work

In Part 1 of this short series on the peasant art of Sir George Clausen, a commenter said that her family was learning about Jean-Francois Millet in their homeschool lesson, and had never heard of George Clausen. It turns out that there is a collection between Millet and Clausen, as this snippet from an online biography reveals…

Sir George Clausen is often regarded as England's only true successor of Millet both in style and subject matter, the majority of his art revolving around the subject of farm labourers and their work. Although widely recognised as one of the most significant figures in post-Impressionist British painting, George Clausen is still relatively obscure as a printmaker. This is largely due to the small number of prints he made, and to the fact that no serious study has yet been completed on this excellent body of work.

In the next post in this series I will reveal how George Clausen became Sir George Clausen and I'll post a self portrait. But, for now, here are some more of George Clausen's peasant paintings

(this boy is scaring birds with a wooden clapper)


In The Orchard

Tying The Sheaves

Rickyard Morning

Return From The Fields


  1. I'm just catching up on your recent posts and am enamored by Clausen's work. I had not heard of him before but appreciate him so much. I'm always impressed how some artists can capture surely mundane activities and romanticize them. Somehow a vision of me weeding in the garden in my baseball cap and old shorts and t-shirt doesn't conjure up thoughts of classic art! Clausen seems to do a little bit of both- keeping it real but drawing out the beauty at the same time. Thanks for sharing him with us.

  2. His paintings are so realistic, I have to look twice to convince myself they're not photographs. Amazing
