Deliberate Agrarian
Snippet #3

Futureman Gets Stuck

Dateline: 16 April 2014

Now that warmer weather is here my grandson (a.k.a., Futureman) can spend more time outdoors. The more time a two-year-old boy spends outside, the better. Futureman likes to climb up on Leyland (my tractor). He climbs up, sits in the seat awhile, then gets down. It's one of his favorite things to do when he is outdoors. A small tractor can be something like a playground to a rural child. I was recently stacking firewood nearby when I heard Futureman saying "Oh. Oh. Oh." to himself. Upon investigation I found he had snagged his coat getting down off Leyland, as you can see in the picture above. I am making more of an effort to keep my camera close by when I'm outdoors, and this was truly a Canon moment.


  1. His little face - and the rest of him - is SO SO cute. He must be a joy to have with you, and I love the name you have for him - so appropriate.

  2. Grandpa to the rescue!
