Yet Another...
Whizbang Toe-Tapper
Faucet Switch

Dateline: 9 June 2014

More parts to make the Whizbang Toe-Tapper 
(click the picture for a closer look)

I have come up with an idea for a foot-operated switch for an outdoor faucet. I finalized the design last month (on May 17). My goal is to have 100 prototype Planet Whizbang Toe-Tapper faucet switches available for sale on June 17. I introduced the idea Here, and have provided updates Here and Here

Today is June 9. Time is short. I'm focusing on getting this nifty new idea ready to sell by the deadline. I won't have time to develop a web site for the Toe-Tappers, so I will unveil the finished product at this blog on the morning of June 17th. I will provide order buttons here at that time. Sorry but I can't pre-sell or reserve Toe-Tappers. Just be here on the morning of the 17th. 

The first 100 Toe-Tappers will be sold as prototypes with no guarantee of satisfaction. They will be sold at a reduced, pre-production price for the purposes of field testing. Each Toe-Tapper will be stamped with a prototype number.

After the prototypes are made, my plan is to make a unique outdoor garden sink design that has been bouncing around in my head for awhile. It will have a homemade faucet that is operated by the Toe-Tapper. I'll be introducing the garden sink here at this blog.

Thank you for your interest.

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