Planet Whizbang Profile
And My Advice
For Economic Independence

Dateline: 29 September 2014

Yours Truly, back in 1997 BB (before beard).
Marlene took this picture for Farm Show magazine.

A man in Georgia contacted me a couple weeks ago to see if I would be interested in answering some questions about my homestead business for a book he is writing. The book will contain some profiles of people who are generating income while living off the land. 

I don't live off the land entirely but, as anyone who reads this blog knows, Planet Whizbang is a successful homestead business that allows me to live on my land, full time. 

Everybody's situation is different, but I know how I got to this point in my life. If someone else can benefit from my example, then I'm more than willing to share what I know.

I agreed to answer a a series of questions in writing. If a verbal interview were part of this, I would not have been as interested. Having questions in writing allows more time to give thoughtful answers.

It remains to be seen how my Whizbang profile will eventually end up in the book, but I thought I would share with you the last question, and my answer to it...

Question: What advice do you have for someone considering leaving a "real job" to become more self-sufficient? 

Answer:   A person or family can become more self-sufficient while working a wage slave job to pay the necessary bills. It’s just a whole lot more work. But it is a practical way to make the transition. While working the wage slave job, you can seriously pursue the elimination of all debt. You can’t be self-sufficient if you are in debt. Simplify your wants and needs in every way possible, while acquiring tools and skills of self reliance.

Beyond that, develop an entrepreneurial mindset and look for small business opportunities. It is almost impossible to pay the industrial-world bills with a small farm these days. But it is entirely possible to create a home business that pays the bills and allows a family to live a down-to-earth, more self-reliant lifestyle on a section of productive land. I know it’s possible because I’m doing it.

Being home, on my land, with  my family around me, not dependent on a job to pay the bills, and living a contra-industrial lifestyle is my definition of success and freedom. 

It all starts with having a personal vision of what you believe is the right, and true, and best way to live your life, then embracing the vision one step at a time. 

As a Christian, one of the key Bible verses in my life has been Proverbs 3:5-6... “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.”  That is, essentially, my story. 

The Biblical concept of being faithful with small things is also critically important. In other words, do the best you can with what you have. Everyone’s story is different. Don’t compare. Don’t covet. Be brave. Work hard. Enjoy the adventure. That’s my advice.


The term,"economic independence," as found in the title of this blog is a misnomer. I don't think anyone in the "civilized" world can be economically independent these days. But you can be independent of a so-called "real job," and that's my point. More and more people are pursuing and achieving this form or economic independence. It's great to see, and I'm looking forward to reading the new book. I'll be letting you know about it here when it is in print (it will be an e-book).


  1. Wonderful advice, sir. I really appreciate you posting your response on that part of the interview here. Proverbs 3:5-6 is probably my favorite verse in the Scriptures (if one can have a favorite) and says so much about life in so few words, which you expounded upon very well. I'm going to copy down your answer for referring back to in the future!

  2. This "In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.” hangs just inside my front door on the facing hall wall and is one of my favourites too.

  3. The picture says it was taken in 1977. Is this a typo? Just wondering because it just doesn't look like a picture from that time. I'm not nit picking I just love old pictures and for some reason I must know :) Thanks.

  4. Anonymous—
    You are correct. It is a typo. I meant to put 1997. I will correct it now. Thank you.
