Four-Day Carrots
(Part 3)

Dateline: 10 October 2014

I've decided to extend my break from blogging to the end of this month. But I'll probably stop in once or twice between now and then, like with this here post….

I've just uploaded another short movie to You Tube. I made it kind of fast, so it's not as good as it could be. But it shows the "Four-Day" carrot beds (featured in previous film clips) at three months of age. The tri-planted carrots in black plastic mulch are looking good!

Click Here to watch the 8-minute film clip.


  1. I can't watch your video... it says: Oooops it's private

  2. Yikes! Let me see if I can fix that…...

  3. I think I got it working now.

    Sorry about that.

  4. It's working now thanks... lovely carrots :D

  5. I really enjoy your videos and you explain things patiently and well. I'm going to take your P W for Gardeners book to bed next week for a re-read as we come into our growing season here.

  6. Very good. I like all your videos. What a garden! Beautiful!

    I'm relieved you are still here. I thought you must have taken your blog off completely, and I was concerned and prayerful for you and yours. So glad to see you here again.

  7. Sharon,
    Thank you for your concern, and for any prayers on my behalf! I'm a bit overwhelmed with various projects around here Things will slow down in a month or so. I'm actually looking forward to winter, as long as I have the firewood split and stacked and my garden all set. Planted a bed of garlic today. Now I can cross that off the list.

    Thanks for the positive feedback.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wow - finally got the time to watch all three parts. This is great. Love the no-irrigation.

    I also spent a little time smacking down your snotty detractors, just 'cause.

    I'm about to plant carrots down here. I think I'm going to try this in one of my wide rows!

  10. By the way, I've also avoided plastic in the garden for my entire gardening career. However, the weeds this year have just about convinced me that a year under black plastic might be better than the mess I'm dealing with. The labor is killing me.

    Also loved the torch/biscuit cutter idea. Heh. Never would've come up with that on my own.

  11. Amen!
    Kind regards,

  12. I'm at five days on my four-day carrot bed - no clear sprouts yet. Covered it again and will check tomorrow evening. Perhaps they're planted a little deeper than yours.

  13. Depth of soil over the carrot seed does make a difference. I cover the seeds with a shallow layer of soil in the planting pocket, then cover with more after the sprouts are up.

    Soil temp. also has an impact on germination time, but that should not be an issue for you in Florida, with the temperatures in the pleasant 70s.

    You may have 6-day carrots.

  14. Yep. 6-day. There were a very few little sprouts today. Hope more will arrive soon. I'm going to take pictures and post how it goes soon.

    My carrot bed is more shaded than my other gardens. Hopefully that won't matter. 4 hours of sun here is roughly equivalent to 8 further north.
