1 Hour Garden/Homestead Video
By David Goodman
(free to watch until tomorrow morning)

Dateline: 10 April 2015

David Goodman, from over at Florida Survival Gardening, has made a one-hour video presentation titled, 13 Tips, Tricks And Lessons From Homesteading An Acre. It is part of the Home Grown Food Summit that I mentioned here a few days ago. 

If you Click This Link and sign up, you will be able to watch David's presentation for FREE, BUT only until tomorrow morning. After that, you have to buy the Home Grown Food package of presentations to see it. Once you sign up, you will also be able to watch some other presentations for free. 

You don't have to live in Florida to enjoy David's movie, and learn from it. Viewers and commenters have rated it very highly. Check it out. I 'm pretty sure you'll like it. 


  1. I saw it- he did a good job and I learned some good ideas from him.

  2. Paula,

    I'm glad you had a chance to watch the movie (while it is still free), and I appreciate the comment.

  3. This was a great vid! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Sheila GilbertApril 13, 2015

    Is this the summit with Marjory Wildcraft?

  5. Sheila,

    Ye, and it has now concluded.
