High Quality
Handcrafted, Hardwood Clothespins
(For Mother's Day)

Dateline: 18 April 2015

Casey Schillinger's Heritage Clothespins

Mother's Day is about three weeks away and what, I ask you, would make a nicer gift than some heirloom-quality, handcrafted, hardwood clothespins? 

With that thought in mind, I would like to direct you to the online Directory of Artisan Clothespin Makers that I have put together at www.GoodClothespins.com. There are currently six clothespin makers in the directory. All of them have clothespins to sell.... except one, and that's me.

It was my intention to make a production run of my Classic American clothespins this spring, but I've changed my mind. Instead, I'm going to do some necessary work on my house, tend my garden, and spend time with my three-year-old grandson. I hope to get a production run made this fall, but don't wait for me.

Clothespin season is here and I encourage you to check out all the other quality clothespin makers at www.GoodClothespins.com

My goal of building a network of artisan clothespin crafters throughout the United States is slowly but surely taking shape. Please let your friends know about www.GoodClothespins.com on Facebook and other social media.

And I thank you.


P.S. If you are a woodworker, you can make your own heirloom clothespins. Top-quality, stainless steel springs and specifications are available at MakeYourOwnClothespins.com


  1. Elizabeth L. JohnsonApril 23, 2015

    So glad to hear briefly about Futureman. Was wondering when we would ever get to hear about him again. Still praying for his beautiful family.

  2. Hi Elizabeth,

    I appreciate your prayers for Futureman. He is supposed to be here Saturday and stay for two weeks. We're really looking forward to it, as you might imagine.

  3. Sheila GilbertMay 04, 2015

    There is no blessing better than seeing your grandson.
    I'm also getting my clothespins out, and start using then in this gorgeous weather we are finally having. Bless, Sheila
