Redeeming The Dirt Conference

Dateline: 24 June 2015

Back in 2013 Noah Sanders went to Zimbabwe (I blogged about it HERE) to learn about the Christian-agrarian ministry, Foundations For Farming. The combination of spiritual and agricultural principles taught by Foundations For Farming have brought sustainable hope and sustenance to the beleaguered people of Zimbabwe. Are these same principles of life and agriculture equally applicable to beleaguered Americans?

Noah thinks so (and I do too). 

With that in mind, last year Noah hosted a Redeeming The Dirt Conference in Rockford, Alabama. The objective being to introduce the Foundations For Farming principles to this country. This year he is continuing the outreach with a 2015 Redeeming The Dirt Conference (click the link for full details).

If I lived anywhere near Alabama, I would get to this event.

One more thing...

Back in 2013 I posted a link to a YouTube video of a man from Foundations For Farming talking about the basic agricultural principles of the ministry. The video ends with him praising the beauty of God's creation, as found in a sunflower. His words are powerfully compelling to me. Check out my blog post here: Acknowledging God in His Creation.

1 comment:

  1. Herrick,
    I will be attending the conference this weekend, and look forward to the fellowship and hearing how we can glorify God through farming and agrarian enterprises.
