"Ride In Tractor?"

Dateline: 10 June 2015

Marlene and I drove to Erie, PA last Sunday to get our 3-year-old grandson, Futureman. He will be with us for a couple of weeks. Erie is a midway point between Toledo, OH (where future man lives with his mother) and our place here in central NY. We meet at a gas station off the interstate. 

Future man's first words to me were, "Ride in tractor?" He kept asking it, over and over. 

His pronunciation of "tractor" sounds a lot like "doctor." I had to ask his mother what he was saying.

Once I understood the question, I assured him that we would ride in the tractor when we got home. Nevertheless, he asked the question repeatedly for the next few hours. The little guy was really looking forward to a tractor ride.

So, shortly after we got home, Futureman put his work boots on and got his little wagon out. I put him and his wagon in my tractor wagon and we took a ride.

Down the road. Into my field. Back up the road. And then Futureman unloaded his wagon and got to work...


  1. Herrick and Marlene: Makers of good memories.
    His mother may be too young to realize it yet, but she is blessed to have such good exes she can more than trust with her son.

  2. AnonymousJune 10, 2015

    Lucky grandson, blessed grandparents :)

  3. That is one happy lad. I bet grandma and grandpa are smiling too!


  4. Elizabeth L. JohnsonJune 11, 2015

    Wow, he's growing up! So wonderful to see his sweet face again. And so wonderful he remembers you two well!

  5. To this day, my grandmother was the most important person in my life. She passed away when I was only 16 years old, however, her influence in my life, changed me forever. I was one of 7 children, and to say that life was busy in my family, is an understatement. However when I went to my grandmothers, it was me, just me. Not that I felt alone, I had a loving mother and father, but it was the long baths, the big fluffy bed in the attic where I slept, the special trips to Washington DC to eat at the S&W Cafeteria, it was visiting Woodward & Lothrop at Christmas to see the moving Christmas scenes in the windows. My grandmother was the one that showed me how to love. That is what she gave me, and I learned from her, how to pass that love on to others. She shared her life with me, and I never would have known how to share love with others without her.
    Just being who you are, will teach your grandson so much, I know this for sure, and I praise God, that He has kept this special gift alive in you. This is something close to my heart, and I want you to know, it will forever be in your grandson's life too.

  6. Elizabeth L. JohnsonJune 11, 2015

    Looking at the background, your area is gorgeous country! How are your mangle beets coming along? Mine are hard to get to come up.

  7. Thanks Everyone.

    Sheila Gilbert—
    Your grandmother story is very similar to mine. Nice to hear.

    I did not grow mangle beets this year. Regular red beets are doing okay, but we could use some more sunshine.

  8. Thank you for sharing this experience....it Warms the Cockles of My Heart!
    I was thinking of you earlier today. I looked up the phrase "the art of icey politeness" and got a project gutenberg press site of a pamphlet or book titled, "The Gentleman's Book of Etiquette and Manual of Politeness". I haven't had a chance to dig in to it, I was on my lunch break and dealing with a part for the tractor.
    I just got to thinking that no one talks about honor or duty or integrity. Even when I was coming up they didn't really talk about any of those things. However, I went to a private girls high school and we classes by those very names along with virtue, marriage among other topics. And by "no one" I mean parents and schools.
    When I was in ROTC they did talk about duty and honor and the responsibilities of officers to uphold moral standards etc. Being somewhat romantic and I guess naive, I took all of it to heart and strove to be that ideal.
    Now you get a chance to teach your grandson and hopefully other grandchildren those precious ideals. (Bet you were wondering where I was going there for a bit!)

  9. He's a lucky boy. Can't wait for you to have a granddaughter.
