Taking Leave...

Dateline: 5 November 2015
Edited: 24 November 2015

A Dead Elm
(click picture for larger view)

I've decided to take leave from blogging here for awhile and devote my writing time to posting updates to Jimmy & Bekah's Diner Dream project at GoFundMe. 

The campaign is off to a great start. Several readers of this blog have contributed. I greatly appreciate it. The project runs to the end of the year and I expect to be writing regular updates there until then.

I invite you to stop by the GoFundMe page and read my updates (if you make a donation of any amount, you will automatically receive the updates by e-mail). The most recent update will be at the top, and there will be a link at the bottom of the update to read previous ones.

They say that updates are an important part of a GoFundMe campaign. People want to know more about the story, how it plays out, and how their contribution is being used. I can do that. I'm into it.

I had not planned to take this break, but I can see that it is necessary. Something has to give, you know? 

I have so  much to write about from the Deliberate Agrarian perspective, but this little project is actually part of my deliberate agrarian life. It's important to me and my family. 

Lord willing, I'll be back.

Dropped Elm
(55ft long)

Elm Stump

Elm Branches in 12A
(Leland pulling)


  1. I wish more people would think and do like you, the world could be a better place for everyone.

  2. You mentioned it in a blog post, so far as I'm aware you didn't put a gun to anyones head. Contribute if you want, don't if you don't. Easy.

  3. I can understand the emailer's perspective, but I think it matters from what angle you view the situation. Many of us read Herrick's writings regularly and feel a connection to his life and family. I think if I were James and Bekah, rather than entitled I would feel humbled that so many people gave of themselves to help me get started. Pitching in a few bucks to help them get their business going is no different to me than showing up to help a friend clean, paint, or move into a new home.

    Or if you don't like that analogy, just watch the last 20 minutes of "It's a Wonderful Life"...

  4. I was inclined to think gofundme was sort of begging too.. and I think there are a bunch of cases where it probably is not being used on the up-and-up, like every other internet tool that exists today. But where we choose to put our dollars is no one's business but our own, and if one chooses to support a local business like this, you may not get a certain financial return percentage, but you will see the benefit in the community. I have found this kind of generosity is usually passed on somehow later. Besides, when you realize financial fund managers make a lot of money whether your investment does well or not, and CEO's of large corporations can take your time and effort, profit greatly and leave their workforce in the dust- choosing to send a few bucks to a good purpose has its own rewards. No reason why an agrarian community can't use the same tools that the rest of the world uses---maybe this is how modern agrarianism needs to work......beat "them" at their own game. It's like the plan for our on-farm CSA "store"---ag zoning won't let us do it, but if I get members to order via the internet and pick up the order on the farm, then its ok.

  5. I haven't been in for quite some time, and I am thrilled to be able to share with Herrick's family in any way I can. He has generously shared with us, and I am so very thankful for that. If my small donation helps his family in any way, my heart will be filled, and so very thankful, that I was able to share with him too.
    May God's grace, Mercy, and Love, bless you beyond measure. In Jesus name. Amen.

  6. Okay, this was about you taking a leave of absence from here for a while, but more than that, I saw the elm tree coming down, yet nary a word mentioned. That's actually "subliminal suggestion" I guess.

    Elms all but disappeared from the panhandle of Texas in the early 70s. When I married my Arkansas boy, I couldn't believe I saw and elm tree here in Arkansas - in the 80s. But, alas, they seem to get disease so easily here, too. I hope they are not on their way out there, too. I like elms.

    I'll be reading your updates on the diner, and maybe pay back the free books and information here you've given to me.

  7. SharonR, I live in the panhandle of Texas. Are you still around these parts? We live in Amarillo. Funny thing about trees. When we moved to Texas 20 years ago, I couldn't bellieve the lack of trees. My MidWest roots were used to trees galore. Now, I still love a good tree in the Autumn but I wouldnt trade my Plains for the world. -Ouida Gabriel

  8. This is just for a while. You always take care!

  9. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/08/fashion/gofundme-gone-wild.html?_r=1

    NY Times GoFundMe Gone Wild Article
    Everyone seems to be asking for money these days. Charitable giving for widows and victims of disasters is one thing, some others are sketchy.

  10. Elizabeth L. JohnsonNovember 09, 2015

    Thanks for extending the opportunity to give. Sometimes we don't give because we haven't been given the opportunity. I remember a friend who gave towards Bible study books for a group of jailed men, saying, "I can't be there to teach, but I can give towards the curriculum." When our daughter got a new job, but didn't have the money for the business-wear she needed, she solicited for funds, to which I gave! When our other daughter began home schooling her children, and needed protection provided by the HSLDA, she didn't solicit, but I saw a need, and gave towards her membership. When our son wanted to go on a short-term missionary trip to minister the gospel, we nor he could afford the enormous costs. We got the church directory and called people, soliciting funds to which many people generously gave, even hundreds of dollars. After "giving", a person feels such joy! Thanks, Herrick!

  11. I pray that your family is doing well and that the fund-raising is going well, too.

    Surely you could help throw us a crumb now and then, like a photo of FutureMan eating turkey (or meat chickens) or helping out in the diner? LOL.

    May you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving,


  12. Hi Nan,

    If only I had a current picture of Futureman to post here. Sadly, he has not been with us in some time. But there is Skype. He appears to be doing well. He says: “I miss you, Boppy.”

    And that makes me sad.

    Thank you for the well wishes.

    Here’s wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving too!


  13. Note: I have decided to edit out some of what I originally wrote in this post. The negativity bothered me. :-)

    Thanks for asking about the elm pictures. I actually had a whole blog post planned around them. There is a story connected to the picture of the "Dropped Elm." In the picture, I am standing next to one of my apple trees. The elm was naturally inclined to fall on that precious (to me) tree. So I hooked a chain to the tree (visible in the picture) and connected it to the drawbar of my tractor, which was hooked to the front of the wagon in the left of the picture. I put tension on the chain, set the brake, and commenced to cut the tree down. It dropped right where I wanted it to—between the wagon and the apple tree. I was very pleased and thankful for that!

    The picture of "Elm Branches in 12A" also has a story connected to it. Nearly 40 years ago, when Marlene and I were dating in high school, around this same time of year, we would go out in the woods behind my parent's house with that same wagon and load it up with firewood. And the wood was typically from dead elm trees, of which there were many back then, especially in the hedge rows.

    I showed that old manure spreader wagon, and the restoration of it here at this blog back in 2012. Here is the link: Bringing A New Idea Back To Life

    So Marlene was helping me in our field to get the elm tree cut up and into the wagon and it brought back memories.

    I also have memories of hand-splitting a lot of big chunks of elm for firewood. Elm is tough and stringy wood. I would use a splitting wedge and a sledge hammer and would often bury one wedge in the wood and need another to get the job done. Now I have a hydraulic splitter. :-)

  14. Elizabeth L. JohnsonNovember 25, 2015

    Was so nice to hear from you, Herrick, and I'm so glad you saved the apple tree! Good aim! Here is northern California we're trying to save ours from deer and bear; need to get our electric fence up. And not to mention the squirrels eating every apple!!! Some of those have been dispatched nicely by the head of our house. Praying for you and your family, and happy Thanksgiving Day!

  15. Come back Herrick! We miss you! :)

  16. Thank you, Anonymous. I plan to be back to blogging here on January 1st. See you then....

  17. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
