This Deliberate Agrarian's
Long Swan Song

Dateline: 6 August 2016

A swan song is a metaphorical phrase for "a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement."

My swan song as "The Deliberate Agrarian" is in process, and it will be a somewhat drawn out final gesture. It will conclude with my retirement from this blog. Hopefully not my death. But wouldn't that be dramatic... concluding this Deliberate Agrarian swan song and then dying! One never knows.

This blog, which began in the spring of 2005, now has 1,110 posts in the archive. That's a lot. I am in the process of going through each one, starting with the first. 

I'm closing off the comments so the posts don't get loaded with spam comments (I am continually removing them). I'm deleting some of the posts. And I'm reposting a few, as you may have noticed the last few days.

It's not like I have nothing else to do, so all of this could go on for a couple of months. 

And then that will be that.

My future plan is to launch another blog. It will NOT be about "Faith, Family and Livin' the Good Life."

Well, maybe it will be a little. But my main focus will be on.....

Oh, but I'll save that for later. 

(I don't think it will be a big surprise, but it's still an idea in its infancy). 

So, with the end in sight, I hope you will enjoy my swan song of selected blog reposts.


  1. I hope you'll post the Name and Address of your "new" blog for us here so we can follow along :) It's sad to see the end of a blog but we all know that everything and everyone Changes.

  2. In 2008 we began getting a vision of a Christian agrarian life on the 12 acres on which we live. Your blog was instrumental in setting that vision on a firm foundation. In those days you were one of very few voices crying in the wilderness. We've relied on your writings through the years for inspiration and instruction. We will greatly miss your wisdom here (hopefully the blog will remain?) but rejoice that God has given you a new vision. We are excited to see what your new path holds.

  3. It was fairly evident that the end was near. Sad to hear. This has been literally one of my top ten bookmarks for several years. As a longtime Christian, but only a few years into the self reliant mindset, it was a revelation to see a Biblical basis for the combination of those values. Christian + Agrarianism was a concept that I was unconsciously aware of, but did not recognize outright until reading your well thought out essays brought it into focus. Thank you brother in Christ!

  4. There's been a lot of that going around lately :-( I am especially sorry to hear that you are deleting some of your posts, but I understand that some may be very topical and not age well. I hope you are planning on leaving the archive of your timeless posts up. I hate to see good writing go to waste. Or, alternatively, if you were to collect them into a book and publish it, I would be eager to buy it.

    I absolutely understand and agree about turning off comments and am a little surprised, most serious bloggers I know do that automatically after a couple weeks. (Note I said serious, I leave all my comments on, heck I'm even happy to get spam if it is on topic.)

  5. Yes Herrick please post the address for the new blog!!!! I really hate to see you go but can understand why. I ran mine for about five years and it got harder and hared to put up posts where I wasn't ranting about some other stupid thing our COC hand done to degrade life in this country.

    But no matter where you go internet wise I will be thinking of you every time I touch or use one of the myriad tools or ideas you have led me too.

    Darn, Frank and Fern and now you. Che Sera, Che Sera

  6. Elizabeth L. Johnson said,
    I've only been along for this ride for a year or so, and enjoyed every moment of it, learning a lot from you and your commentors! This blog was my reward after a hard day at work. I understand an era has passed. Your boys are raised and gone, and life has changed. Can't wait to see your new blog...I don't care what the subject is, I look forward to it! Will you still facebook? It is very nice to read, and to see familiar commentor names. Your garden experiments, and suggestions are pretty interesting!

  7. Of all the blogs i have followed over the past several years, yours is still my favorite and the one I always read. There aren't enough folks talking about the things you write about on the Internet today. Whatever your reasons for stopping, know that your voice on the topics of Christian Agrarianism will be greatly missed.
    I look forward to reading whatever it is that God has placed on your heart.

  8. Thanks for the comments everyone. They are much appreciated!

    I've decided that I really don't care for the Facebook format, as compared to a Blog format. So when I get the new blog started, my Whizbang Gardening Facebook page will either be discontinued, or it will serve only as a place to post links to the blog posts.

  9. Mr. Kimball, you & a few other self proclaimed Christian Agrarians have been a large part of us moving out of the city & us getting our own piece of land. I've greatly enjoyed your perspectives, thoughts, & experiments & wish you success on both sides of eternity.

  10. WHAT!!! No More Deliberate Agrarian!!!??? NOOOOOO! Say it isn't sooooooo!!!!!

  11. May God bless your efforts, brother. I wish I would have made contact with you sooner, but the short time we've communicated has been true fellowship. As I look back over what I've read of your writings, one of the many things that stand out is your essay in The Deliberate Agrarian about your son haying for other farmers and the memories you have of haying. I read that aloud to my 86-year-old father-in-law who grew up in central South Dakota who identified with every sentence. It was good to see him smile as your essay brought back memories for him. That was a priceless moment for me and I have you to thank for it.

    I know your future endeavors will continue to bless me and for that I am grateful.

    In Him,

  12. I basically agree with your opinion of Facebook: it's a fine place to post links to your main page, but it's a terrible place to put original content.

  13. Dan Grubbs—

    I REALLY appreciate you telling me that story!

    "Hay Help" is my favorite story in that book.

    It brings a smile to my face when I read it too. :-)

    Thank you again.

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