Index to "Finding My Way" Essays

This is an index to a series of essays in which I chronicle my struggle to figure out what to do with my life, beginning back when I was 18 years old. It wasn't easy finding my place in the world back then....

Part 1:
The Ol' Timer Begins His Ramble
Part 2:
Working While in High School and Going on to School in Vermont
Part 3:
Spray Painting Barns & Cutting Pulp Wood
Part 4:
I Fail to Graduate From School in Vermont
Part 5:
Skateboarding, Rocky Balboa, & My Friend Joe
Part 6:
How I almost Died in the Lamoille River
Part 7:
Buce & Patty Womer Take Me In
Part 8:
I Didn’t Have a Job. But I Was Never Idle.
Part 9:
My Short-Lived Career Selling Shaklee
Part 10:
No Money. No Car. No Job: I Decide to Enlist in the Military
Part 11:
”You Did a Good Job, Mate.”
Part 12:
Bear, Harvey, Bob Dylan.... And I Discover What I Want to Do With My Life
Part 13:
I Go Home & Get a Job on a Dairy Farm
Part 14:
This is the Part Where I Defend Myself With a Silage Fork Against Huge, Screaming Rats (No Kidding!)
Part 15:
At Last, I Make Enough Money to Buy a Car.
Part 16:
I Inherit a Small Fortune From My Grandfather
Part 17:
I Start My First Business
Part 18:
I Go Back to School. Then Back to The Farm.
Part 19:
I Land a Carpentry Job & Get Married
Part 20:
I Finally Found My Way. Thank God.


  1. I love the index, but I wish you have posted more about how you met and courted Marlene.

    Unless I missed some in there, you only briefly mention her in Part 10, against in part 15, and finally in Part 19. But only in passing. :)

  2. Hi Tracy,

    Go to the "Deliberate Agrarian Archives" over on the right side of the page. Click on "My Younger Days." There you will find a link to my essay titled, "The Wife of My Youth." That tells the whole story. Well most of it. Thanks for asking.

  3. Herrick, my garlic this year was beautiful!!! I have it hanging in net bags in my new pantry room. It is not in direct sunlight and the air can flow all around it. I have a horrendous infestation of fruit flies in my kitchen. I have set out vinegar traps, taken the compost bucket out back and set out a lemon trap as well. I just noticed there are some on my garlic out in the pantry, which is another room. Do you think they will ruin it? Any suggestions?
