Grow Or Die
(A Book Review)

Dateline: 5 February 2016 AD

"In this book, David "The Good" delivers solid, serious, practical, eclectic gardening advice with a slightly zany (and pleasant to read) flair. Anyone new to gardening should own "Grow or Die." And, at the other end of the spectrum, anyone who has gardened for decades (like myself), will thoroughly enjoy this book."

That's the short, sweet and to-the-point book review I left today on Amazon for David Goodman's newest gardening book. I looked up the definition of two words as I was writing that review...

zany: amusingly unconventional. 

eclectic: Selecting or employing individual elements from a variety of sources, systems, or styles: 

Yup. Those words are appropriate, and the book really is a good read. I'll be getting the paperback version when it comes out (soon, I'm told). The book is also available in audio version which, I'm sure, is a top notch production (based on another gardening audio presentation of his that I've listened to).

If you are not yet familiar with David The Good, he is the most prolific garden writer, blogger and YouTuber I know. I should say, "eclectic" YouTuber—he films a wide range of subjects. 

Here are links to David's online resources...

Amazon's "David The Good" Page

David's Blog/Web Site (The Survival Gardener)

David's YouTube Channel (161 videos, thus far)

Definitely Check out
(zany, eclectic, informative)

(in the midst of his food forest, I presume)

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