Things are busy hereabouts on my little piece of earth, as I’m sure they are around yours. It has been difficult to find time to blog. I have, however, been thinking a lot about blogging. That doesn’t really count, does it? Well, anyway, here’s a little about what’s been going on in my brain and my life lately….
The Yoke is off
Last Saturday I Finally finished my newest book, Anyone Can Build A Whizbang Garden Cart. Writing a book is akin to yoking yourself to a heavy burden. It is work and getting the work done requires focus and determination. Finishing is the best part of the process. Then the yoke comes off and there is the freedom to pursue other projects.
Projects like the garden. I was turning the soil and planting some seeds Sunday afternoon. It felt good to be outside in the sun and wind with my hands in the soil. Very good.
BTW, the book is now at the printer. All I have to do is pay for it when its done and hope I sell enough copies to make it all worthwhile. My thanks to those of you who have already purchased a copy.
Chinese Roulette
I’m sure you have heard of the dangerous game of chance called Russian Roulette. There is a new variation. It’s called Chinese Roulette. You don’t use a revolver and a single bullet to play. You just go to the grocery store and buy some food. If you’re lucky, it didn’t come from China. If you aren’t so lucky, it came from China, contains toxic substances and will kill you (or at least make you sick).
But we really should look on the good side... Food imported from China is reasonably priced. And it’s a whole lot easier than growing your own.
Freedom Gardens
Back in the difficult days of WWII, many people of America provided for themselves and their families by growing “Victory Gardens.” I think it’s time for America at large to return to the garden, this time for freedom from the Industrial Providers.
Those of us who advocate growing your own and buying local are, I believe, the vanguard of a movement that will continue to swell as more and more people see the dangers of industrial food. Perhaps we are a new generation of Soldiers of the Soil.
Goin’ to the Gun Show
I need a real good reason to go to a city. A couple weeks ago I had one. There was a big gun show at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse. My boys and I went. We got there an hour after it opened and this was what it looked like:
The picture shows a very long line. The place was mobbed. It was great. Here’s a picture I took of a nice, grey-haired, older lady and her WWII German trench gun:
Look closely and you will see the gun’s barrel is bent. It was made that way. There is a mirror sight on the gun (also visible in the picture) so the soldier can be down out of the line of fire and see to shoot.
Look even closer and you will see a man with a baby stroller behind the nice older lady. I looked twice when I saw that because there was no baby in the stroller. The guy had outfitted the thing into a rolling gun rack.
I heard part of a radio program in which the host noted that home foreclosures are up 200 percent over last year at this time. I don’t think that is a good sign.
Looking For Cheap Land
A thoughtful reader of this blog sent me a link to the United Country Realty web site (America’s rural realtor). It’s a nifty site.
I went to New York (my state) and looked for a “General Farm” with a minimum of 40 acres for $75,000 or less. I found out that there are none of those in New York. I changed the category so I would be looking for a general farm, minimum 40 acres, for less than $100,000.... Bingo!
There is currently one general farm that fits that description in New York state. It has 42 acres, a “nice two-story barn,” “great views,” and a “quiet location,” for $78,000. Doesn’t that sound perfect!!
And here’s the amazing thing about this piece of propert.... It’s in Lisle, N.Y. Some of you may recognize that as the home of fellow Christian-agrarian blogger, Scott Terry. Scott’s blog, Homesteader Life is at the top of my blog list (over on the right side of this page).
Wisdom and One Wish
My pastor, Dale Weed, said in a recent sermon that wisdom is seeing things from God’s point of view. I had never heard that before and I like it.
Later he asked everyone to think what we would want if we were granted one wish by God. What would it be? I thought a second, leaned over to Marlene and said, “Godly wives for our sons.”
Then Pastor Weed asked the congregation how many people wished for something not involving money. Most everyone raised their hand. I thought that was interesting.
Agrarian Realtor
Speaking of land and real estate, I happened upon real estate agent Andrew Mooers blog awhile back. Mr. Mooers actually recommended my book, Writings of A Deliberate Agrarian at Andrew Mooers Maine Real Estate Blog. Check out the 50-acre farm he has just blogged about.
A roller coaster of writing
Phew. It's been a bit of a roller-coaster day in terms of writing for
To recap, for some time I've been interested on writing more stories for...
2 days ago
I enjoyed seeing the pictures on your Whizbang Cart blog of your son drilling the holes for the cart. This is such a good reminder of how much we can teach our sons if only we'd keep them with us as we do things.
This post makes me anxious to get started on our own Whizbang Garden Cart with my two sons.
I am glad that you have your book done and behind you. On to new things....
By the way, your boys might enjoy a contest going on right now on my blog. They can win a great video. You can enter too!! =)
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