Check Out Mia's Blog

Every so often I am so impressed with a blog that I am compelled to recommend it to you. That is exactly what I want to do today. The blog is written by 17-year-old Mia. She describes her blog as follows:

"Greetings! My name is Mia and I'm an aspiring homemaker! My desire is to use this blog as an outlet to share what I'm learning along the way to biblical womanhood--documenting thoughts, intrests, and photos of everyday life!"

Mia describes herself as follows:

I'm an african american homeschooler and a Christian saved by grace! I love to worship the Lord w/ singing & playing guitar :) The oldest of 3, I choose to be a stay-at-home daughter and enjoy spending time with my family. My favorite hobbies include: photography, working in the garden, laughing, anything old fashioned & meeting new people! I am unmarried and work from the home.

My wife, Marlene, told me about Mia's blog and wanted me to see it. I am greatly blessed by everything I saw there. If I had a daughter, I would hope that she would be a young lady much like Mia. If I was a young man looking for a wife, I would be looking for a girl like Mia.

Mia and her family have purchased an old "cottage" on four acres out in the country. They are on a great family adventure to learn to be more self sufficient. It's my pleasure to recommend Mia's blog, Aspiring Homemaker.


littlegreengardengal said...

Thank you for sharing the link. I really enjoyed looking at Mia's blog. As a single Christian woman, I am encouraged to see younger women making positive choices in life and finding joy in God's plan for them instead of being pressured by society.

Herrick Kimball said...

Yes. Well said. I agree. Mia's public testimony is very encouraging and pleasant to see.

Tracy said...

Mia's blog gives me hope -- my own son has been searching for a Godly woman - someone who believes in true biblical womanhood, and it is SO hard to find girls like that any more, especially if you live an agrarian lifestyle! These young people, all over the country, who live their lives of quiet obedience often never have opportunity to connect with each other. I pray God will bless each of them with a Godly spouse.

Mia said...

Mr. Kimball,
I just wanted to thank you for recommending/featuring my blog!!
I've been so encouraged by all the positive feedback, and our family has been so blessed to discover other Christian agrarians who are on similar self sufficient journey's.
I love your blog, and appreciate the wonderful tips you freely give.
Thank you!!!!
In Christ,

Herrick Kimball said...


You are welcome. Your blog is wholesome and encouraging. It is like a refreshing breath of fresh air in a world full of stagnant foolishness and bad news. Your desire to be a godly woman is glorifying to the Lord. Your attitudes and the deliberate choices you are making in your life are so commendable. You are a wise young woman. You are blessed, and others are blessed by the example of your personal testimony, as expressed on your blog. It is my pleasure to tell my readers about your blog.

Thank YOU, Mia!

Dreamer said...

Thanks for sharing this link. I enjoyed looking at Mia's blog. I wish I was that together when I was her age. Heck, I wish I had it that together now!

Anonymous said...

Wish she were still a force for the WWW. Alas, I can no longer find her or kindred spirits like her