Podcast: Developing a Christian Worldview for Agriculture with Micah
In this episode of the Redeeming the Dirt Podcast, we explore the important
connection between agriculture and a Christian worldview, discussing how
1 day ago
I am terribly sorry to hear that you won't be adding to this site. I've only found you recently and I've thoroughly enjoyed your blog. The information I've found has been very helpful and your writing is lovely. Thank you.
While I just found out about this blog a few weeks ago and am sorry I missed your active posting years, I'm very glad for the archives which I have been utilizing and find wonderfully informative and fascinating. I appreciate the time and thought put into your ruminations! Thank You.
We're looking forward to your book coming in the mail( we sent our order on Monday)and of course have been sifting through your archives absorbing all the wonderful information. Some we know, some is a twist on what we know and some, PTL is totally new information.
Thank you for leaving this blog running, as was stated in the two earlier comments, we'd just found your blog weeks before you stopped writing.
Blessings from,
The Never Done Farm
Carol, Cyndi, & Kelle,
Thanks for your comments here. I'm glad you are enjoying the blog. I am looking forward to posting my monthly letter here in a couple of weeks.
Kelle- I received the very nice letter you sent, and your copy of "Writings of a Deliberate Agrarian" is on its way to you.
Herrick and family,
We received you book and what time I've had to read it( aloud), well.... We're enjoying it immensely!
Thank you for your promptness in getting the book in the mail.
We feel a kinship, in the sense that we've been living our lives the "Christian Agrarian" way for decades and just found out this is what it's called!
Blessings to you and your family,
Mike, Kelle and Cortney( from The Never Done Farm)
Though I stumbled upon your blog while searching "how to dress a chicken", I was immediately enthralled. I read most of your posts that night and subscribed instantly. There is a warmth that comes through your writing that is very welcoming. I appreciate the information that you have posted. Though I am sorry that this is the end of this particular endeavor, I am grateful to have found this wonderful fount of information and insight.
Thank you so much.
I just stumbled across your site today - it looks like a veritable wealth of information. I'm just starting to pursue the lifestyle you are writing about (chickens this summer) and am glad that the archives are available to read through. Best of luck with your future endeavours :)
Your site is wonderful. You are a blessing to this weary traveler who has stumbled back upon a road that I somehow got off of. My husband found you while looking for a chicken plucker. We have 1.5 acres with a mortgage I am afraid, but had begun a huge garden and bought chickens... we longed for exactly what you have described. We just received your garlic book today and look forward to contining to read your many insightful blogs. We wish you and your family well.
Oh what a shame i found you now. I live in Sempronius and have just started Homeschooling my two boys which is how i found you.
Your blog is just WONDERFUL! WOW.
Bright moments
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