Deliberate Agrarian Archives: Essays About Faith
The Sermon I’ll Never Forget
Hope For a Troubled America
Obama: America's New Hope
Isaac Watts, John Piper & The Sovereignty of God
This is My Father’s World
Light in Our Dwellings
John Calvin & Me
Our Father’s God to Thee
How to Forgive Others
Apple Seed Theology
Goodness, Beauty & Loving The Earth
Giving Thanks & Thanksgiving
A Reflective Ramble About Salvation & Prayer
A Personal Story of God’s Faithfulness Unto The Generations
Christian Community
Beauty in March
Two Steps Forward. One Step Back
Bifurcating Eschatology & My Nifty New Compost Sifter
A day in the life of a freelance writer
"Well," I said on Monday afternoon, crossing my arms and turning in my desk
chair to face Don. "I think I've had a reasonably productive day as a
13 hours ago
That's a nice way to sort out all your posts. Looking forward to going back and reading some.
I love the new layout. I hope you are going to continue to make postings though. I love reading your site.
Herrick, I just read the post on Salvation and Prayer. It really touched me, as it is exactly the way I feel. God found me, the Holy Spirit tugs at me daily. I pray for people I see in the grocery store or at the mall. I believe that even if I hadn't been raised in church, God would have found me. The things I do and think could not come from me. I visit several Bible study sites and Christian blogs daily. My Favorites section is filled with these various connections to Christians all over the world. I read most of them daily, post occasionally, and even more rarely I submit prayer requests. There is a young mother here in our town named Kim, who right now is in Maryland at the National Institutes of Health Hospital, undergoing brain surgery for tumors found after she was treated for liver cancer. She is on my mind constantly, and in my prayers, but I haven't felt led to submit her as a prayer request to strangers until I read this post of yours. Please add her to your prayers tonight, as I believe that there is power in the prayers of believers. Thank you so much. BTW, this is totally off-topic, but while I'm here I want to tell you how much we have enjoyed your garlic powder. I do hope you plant another crop this spring. :)
Thank you again for saying a prayer for Kim from Southern Illinois.
C. Hays
Thanks Marci & Rob. I will continue to make regular postings here after this "remodeling" work on the blog is done. C. Hays--thank you for posting. I will make it a point to pray for Kim. I hope anyone else who reads this will be convicted to take a moment and do the same.
Thank you for your blog. I don't agree with everything you say but I great you as a brother in Christ. Here's a book on Faith I heartily recommend.
What is Faith? by J. Gresham Machen
I've been reading this lately and believe it should be required reading for all Christians; everyone else too.
Many people believe Faith is essentially a magic formula for getting goodies from God. Many others including Christians believe Faith is essentially irrational and you can't really know God.
Among other things, Machen points out that in order to have Faith in God one must know God first.
His writing style is also delightfully old fashioned and intelligent.
I hope you'll read it and enjoy it as I am.
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