If you are a regular reader of this blog you will notice that it looks a bit different than it did a few days ago. I finally switched to the new blogger format. I could have done so a long time ago but I’m a procrastinator when it comes to things like this. The new format allows me to change colors and sizes of lettering and stuff like that. It also allows me to more easily arrange sidebar elements.
One of the things I’ve been wanting to do for a long time with this blog is develop an archive of past essays. That formidable task is now done. New readers and old readers can now easily hone in on various past essays here that have been previously buried. And I can direct readers from my other blogs here with a link to the archives.
I hope these new changes will be more “user firindly” and that they will result in more people being exposed to the whole idea that a life focused more on faith, family & “livin’ the good life” is worthy of pursuing.... Much more worthy than the industrialized, urbanized, materialistic, spiritually shallow, typical modern lifestyle
I still have a few changes to make here in the days ahead. But the task of “remodeling” this site is now mostly done and I will soon get back to my regular blogging. I will, however, post with somewhat less frequency while I am also working to complete my next book project.
I appreciate those of you who come here, lurkers and commenters alike. I really do enjoy writing this blog and hope to be able to do so for a long time yet to come.
Watch that credit score!
Don logged onto our credit card company's website today to see what our
upcoming bill will be this month. We have one credit card, and we use it to
pay o...
4 hours ago
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