Grape Trellis Fittings
(another product from Planet Whizbang)

Dateline: 10 August 2013

A week ago I blogged here about how my son is now helping me with my Planet Whizbang home business, and because of that I was able to produce and start selling a new product—Planet Whizbang Y-holders. I also announced the new instructional web site I created to explain how the Y-holders are used. This blog post is to announce that I have now added a new page and a new product to the instructional web site....

Introducing The New Planet Whizbang T-Post Grape Trellis will teach you how to make a simple, sturdy, freestanding T-post grape trellis using the Whizbang grape trellis fittings I  invented.  
If you have a copy of The Planet Whizbang Idea Book For Gardeners, you already know about my T-post grape trellis idea, and you have specifications for making the fittings. If you don't yet have the book, the new web site gives you a peek into a couple of the ideas in the book. 

If you have never grown grapes before, you're missing out on something special. We've had Concord grapes vines on a trellis for several years and have found them to be very easy to grow. Fact is, they grow like a weed. If you keep the vines trimmed back each year, you should have a bounty of fruit. And now the job of making a support trellis for your grapes is downright easy.

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