Deliberate Agrarian
Snippet #29

Joie De Vivre

Dateline: 15 May 2015

Joie De Vivre is a French phrase that means, "exuberant enjoyment of life," or "joy of life." You can learn how to properly pronounce Joie De Vivre at This Link.

Joie De Vivre is a phrase that often comes to mind when I see my grandson. Not a care in the world, he laughs out loud, he talks excitedly, he kisses and hugs others freely, he expresses his emotions fully and without hesitation and, in short, thoroughly enjoys life.

I suppose I was once like that, and so were you. But the realities and responsibilities of life weigh on us as we get older. Though we who are older can be joyful (and I think of myself as a joyful person) our Joie De Vivre can never compare to that of a young child. 

Joie De Vivre is refreshing to see. It makes me happy to see it in my grandson. It is even uplifting to see it in a cartoon…

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