And Me

Dateline: 24 July 2015

This blog is self-described as “one man’s ruminations about faith, family and livin’ the good life.” What you are about to read is something of a divergence from my usual agrarian discussions, but it fits perfectly within the stated focus of this blog.


Last month’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in favor of homosexual marriage was a cultural bombshell, to say the least.  The ramifications of the court’s actions will be wide ranging and harsh. Those who once claimed victimhood and oppression will now become the oppressors, and they will pursue their victims with a vengeance.

Homosexual activists are brutal people. If you doubt it, and if you have the stomach for it, simply read the comments of homosexual activists at one of their online discussion groups. Or, if you have the backbone, simply disagree with their activism. Then you’ll find out.

Back in 2011 the elected clerk in a small town near me refused to issue a marriage license to a homosexual couple. When she did not issue the license, based on her religious beliefs about the sin of homosexuality, the activist forces focused their harassing foul language and threats at her. It was intense. 

She was up for reelection. The activists put their own candidate on the ballot. There was a debate at Wells College between the clerk and her gay-backed challenger. I went to the debate  along with a few friends. It was civil. She held her own. I was impressed.

A few days later, I created a web site/blog for the woman. I mailed a post card to every registered voter in the town, letting them know about the web site. A friend helped me with the cost of the mailing. You can see the web site At This Link.

Rose Belforti won that election (and she is still the town clerk). She would have won it even without my web site, but she was thankful for what I did. When the powerfully intimidating forces of homosexual activism are focused on you, you are thankful for anyone who will stand by your side.


Forget all this talk about how homosexuals love each other and should be able to get married. Homosexuality isn’t about love. It’s about perverted sex. It’s about sin. 

At first, the activists wanted civil unions. Then they wanted marriage. Marriage was instituted by God. The activists want to sanctify their sin by taking marriage for themselves. 

The activists should be ashamed of themselves, but they have no shame. Only pride.

The definition of marriage was clear for centuries. But not any more. What is the definition now? 


I don’t believe homosexual activism is all about equal rights. I believe a great deal of it is about having access to children in order to indoctrinate them into a perverted, self-destructive lifestyle.

When I hear of homosexual curriculums in the government schools, it makes my blood boil. Homosexual activists are now invited into the schools! Those who do this sort of activism are wolves after prey. 


I could have been a homosexual. The influence was there in my young, impressionable years. When I have written in the past that getting out of suburbia (moving into a rural setting) in my teenage years was the best thing that ever happened to me, it has multiple meanings. 

Predatory homosexual child abusers live amongst us. They know that young boys go through a period of sexual vulnerability, when they are easily seduced.

When the media and government schools continually celebrate homosexuality, they serve as co-conspirators to prepare and deliver innocent children into the hands of the sexual predator wolves.


I have three grown sons. When they were young, they did not go to sleep-overs. Never. I wouldn’t allow it. I was adamant that none of them would go to sleep-overs until they were well into their teens. Nothing good ever came from a sleep-over. That was my experience.

Marlene didn’t understand. The mothers who called her, asking if one of our young sons could come for a sleep-over didn’t understand. “What do I tell them?” Marlene would ask me. "Tell them Herrick doesn’t allow sleep-overs." Period. And that’s what she did.

We never left our young children in the care of anyone except my parents or Marlene’s parents. 

Though I was a Boy Scout as a kid, I did not direct my sons into Scouts.

We did not hand our children over to the government school to be indoctrinated. They were home schooled (one son went to a Christian school for two years).

Overprotective? Call it what you will. I call it being a responsible parent. 

Listen to the testimonies of men who have come out of the homosexual lifestyle. A large percentage of them were sexually abused when they were young. The percentage is even higher among lesbians.

The predators are all around us. They don't look like wolves. They are usually nice, smiling, helpful people on the outside, but their hearts are given to wickedness. It isn’t about love. It’s about the sexual gratification of the predators.


The supreme court homosexual marriage decision last month was just another victory for the predators. Now they are armed with new legislative force to go after any adult who isn’t on board with their predations; who sees through their veneer of respectability; who understands their wickedness.

Primarily, they will pursue the Christians among us who assert that homosexuality is a morally reprehensible sin.

It has already started, of course. The activists are rabid God haters. They have reprobate minds. Since they can not strike at God, they will use the force of law as a weapon to punish any Christian or Christian organization that believes what God says about homosexuality, anyone who refuses to endorse or enable the homosexual juggernaut.

We are about to see the rise of homo-tyranny, which is just another word for persecution.


I was upset with the Supreme Court decision. I decided that I would do something about it. I felt strongly that I should start a web site called HomoTyranny Tracker.

The objective of the web site would be to aggregate internet news stories every day (sort of like The Drudge Report does). Every story would be about an incident of homo-tyranny. I bought the domain, HomoTyranny.com.

I established the web site exactly seven days after the Supreme Court decision. It was my objective from the start to get the site set up and post to it for a couple of weeks, without telling anyone about it. Then I would evaluate the idea and see if I should proceed, before letting the world know. 

But I only operated the site for five days, and stopped. I realized that I just don’t have the time needed to devote to the project. 

But I still like the idea. Somebody needs to chronicle the rise of homo-tyranny.


The web site is unfinished. I intended to have sidebar links to a couple of YouTube videos made by people who have come out of the homosexual lifestyle. Like This One.

Contrary to modern cultural brainwashing, I don’t believe that people are born as homosexuals. People are born with a sin nature; with a proclivity to do sinful things. 

When people who are inclined by nature to do sinful things, pursue those things, they find there is a degree of pleasure in them. But the pleasure is fleeting. And so often, they are caught in the snare.


Homosexuality is what I would call a “bear-trap sin.” When a person gives themselves over to the sin, it latches onto them and doesn’t let go. You can point out the bear trap, and they will deny it’s existence. Or they will insist that it is something they like.

But most men who are snared in the bear-trap of sodomy are tortured souls; they are miserable. What was once fun and exciting and pleasurable becomes a living hell. That is the frequent testimony of many who have repented of their homosexuality.


A common refrain among many homosexuals (when they are being honest) is expressed with anger and exasperation: “Do you think I want to be like this!?” 

Well, of course not. Nobody in their right mind, if presented with the ugly truth about homosexuality, would want anything to do with it.


There are, as you know, lots of so-called Christian churches that condone homosexuality. And more will join them in the days ahead. I dare say, most so-called Christian churches will bow their knees to their homosexual liege, pledging fealty to whom allegiance and service is expected…. or else. 

Those who fear God more than man, who dare to point to homosexuality and declare it sinful, will be a minority. But those who fear God and honor His law have always been a minority.


It is not love to tell a person in bondage to the sin of homosexuality (or any other sin) that Jesus loves them just the way they are.

Love sees the bear trap for what it is, tells its victim the truth, and offers to help get it off.

When Jesus walked this earth, he hung out with sinful people, but he never condoned their sin. He called them to repentance. Repentance is the act of turning away from sin. "Go, and sin no more," he said to the woman at the well, who was caught in adultery.


Make no mistake about it, I'm angry at the homosexual agenda, the activists who promote it, and the child sexual abusers who use it to their advantage. But don't mistake my anger as hatred of homosexuals. On the contrary, I have a great deal of compassion for anyone who is trapped in a lifestyle of sin. 


Christians who care about this issue of homosexuality and the homosexual agenda— who understand that it is an all-out cultural attack on their children and their grandchildren— need to understand the reality of homosexuality and how to properly relate to those who are in the bear trap of this sin.

With that in mind, one of the best YouTube discussions I've listened to is Homosexuality Part 1: A Discussion Between Pastor Steve Berger and Dr. David Kyle Foster

I know nothing about Pastor Berger and his denominational beliefs, but when it comes to his understandings about homosexuality and the church's response to homosexuals, I think he is right on. Dr. Foster is a former homosexual who heads up Mastering Life Ministries and is the producer of an excellent documentary, Such Were Some Of You.

I am thankful for Dr. Foster's ministry, helping to set homosexuals free from the bondage of their sin, and I have donated money to it.

Those links are, of course, also recommended for anyone who is in the "Gay Christian" movement. In fact, if you consider yourself a gay Christian and are reading this, I dare you to check out those links.


Part of the Homosexuality Part 1 discussion (linked above) is about the matter of judging. There seems to be some confusion in the church when it comes to Christians judging other people and other people's actions. This confusion even cropped up in my own church after a sermon a few weeks ago.

Pastor Steve Berger makes it clear that there are two kinds of judgement in the Bible. One is judgement that condemns, and the other is judgement that discerns between right and wrong, based on God's law (the Bible). Only God has a right to judge with condemnation. Christians are called to judge with righteousness and compassion.


In the YouTube clip Homosexuality Part 2, Pastor Steve Berger and Dr. Foster discuss, among other things, how people become homosexuals. It is an insightful discussion that every Christian parent and grandparent, who cares about the future of their young ones can learn a lot from.


Well, my ruminations on this topic have been long. If you have read this far, I thank you. And I sincerely hope that you will check out the links I've provided.