Dateline: 30 May 2016
(click on pictures to see enlarged views)
There it is. Thank you, Lee Reich! (click the picture) |
Back in 2007 my family went to the Pennsylvania Renewable Energy & Sustainable Living Festival. While there, I attended a presentation by the garden writer, Lee Reich. In the course of his talk, Lee showed a picture of his compost bins. Someone asked how he made them, and Lee provided a verbal explanation of how he made the interlocking side boards.
Shortly after I got home, I figured out how to make the sides and built a couple of the bins. The pictures below give you an idea how the bins go together.
Lee uses 1 x 12 boards to make his compost bins. I used 1 x 8 boards. The finished bins ended up being kind of expensive but they have lasted 9 years and will likely last quite a bit longer.
The secret to getting maximum lifespan out of your boards is to not leave them outdoors, full of compost, year round. If you take the bins apart at the end of the garden season, let the boards dry out, and store them out of the weather in the winter, they will last.
Click Here for an article showing how Lee Reich makes his compost bins.
This pile of old boards will fit together to make my compost bin. |
I attached the end cleats with Gorilla glue and three wood screws. Two screws through one side and one through the other. None of the cleats have come off in nine years. |
This picture shows how the boards interlock at the corners. |
I made two bins nine years ago. One is bigger than the other. |
A well-tended compost bin should be covered. |
This is the desired final result. I sifted this compost from the remnants of last year's compost pile. |