Dateline: 18 May 2013
I have long realized that a lot of very nice folks read this blog. One evidence of this is that several readers have sent me gifts. Such is the case with the mug shown in the picture above (and below).
This unusual agrarian-themed piece was sent to me by Roberta M. from Wisconsin. Roberta collects "God Speed The Plough" china. She wasn't sure if I'd like the mug, but as a long-time reader she knew I would appreciate the verse. Well, I am delighted to have both. Thank you Roberta!
You can click the pictures to see an enlarged view. The verse on the back says:
Let the wealthy and great
Roll in splendor and state
I envy them not, I declare it
I eat my own lamb
My own chickens and ham
I shear my own fleece and I wear it
I have lawns, I have bowers
I have fruits, I have flowers
The lark is my morning alarmed
So jolly boys now
Heres God Speed The Plough
Long life and success to the farmer
Near as I can tell, the mug was made in England in the early 1900s. Here are pictures of some other "Farmer's Arms" or "God Speed The Plough" china...
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